First, hugs to each and every one of you for many reasons right now. There's so much going on right now, 2020 somehow outdoing itself at every turn. BUT we made it half-way! YAY JUNE!
And if you want a visit or escape to diverse worlds where contrary characters (meet a new one--Aria--in this inspiration photo) find solace, support, love, growth, and happiness with each other, and learn to work together to achieve goals, then my books are always available to you, and I have more coming soon. Please contact me if finances limit your reading--I want my worlds open to everyone.
Harbingers of Death Co-Write:
Supernatural prison task-force trilogy with LeAnn Mason is coming late summer. Meet Aria, the Banshee above and lots of supernatural creatures from lots of myths in our groups:
Loan Soul:
Four Poor Souls (LS #4) is coming in July 17, 2020! Teasers-->
Preorder #LoanSoul book 4, Four Poor Souls, releasing July. (This one is going to be EPIC!)
Get the full Deadly Earth Trilogy novels PLUS a NEW 17,000-word short story (~1000 pages) FREE on KU!
The Deadly Earth series is now ALL back on KU too!
Harbingers of Death cover reveal will be happening in July!
Are you interested in being on my Advanced Reviewer teams for any of the above? Contact me.
JUNE free books, giveaways, and deals are below (regularly updated):
Summer FREE reads (June 1-30)
Myth & Magic (June 1-30)
FREE UF/contemporary reads + win $20 (June 1-30)
FREE UF/paranormal reads (June 1-30)
Paranormal/Fantasy Detectives (May 15-June 15)
FURRY sidekicks! (June)
With all the love and snuggles, ~L.B. xx