HAPPY NEW DECADE! New month, new year, new decade. Time to reflect and plan. Do you have a resolution? Mine: read more (duh), gym more (double duh), and set better limits/boundaries (mental health is important! I want far fewer -- or better yet 0 -- breakdowns than last year).
In the last decade, I became an author, went to a book con, won a few awards, released a bestseller, and finished my first trilogy. This next decade, I aim to finish several more series -- I can think of 4 at least (Loan Soul, Fae Portal Protector, Trials of a Tree Nymph and a secret one), find my genre footing with mythological supernatural suspense/urban fantasy, release audiobooks, write co-authored series, and attend several more book conventions around the US if not the world. Fingers crossed!
January is the last month for a few deals and giveaways:
1. One Loan Soul is $0.99 (globally) and FREE on Kindle Unlimited. It was also recently voted the 12th BEST INDIE BOOK OF 2019. Three Broke Souls, Book 3, is out next month pre-order for a discount -- releasing next month.

2. There's a new newsletter subscriber free novella coming that takes place in the #LoanSoul world releasing this month. Sign up at LBCarter.com to get access to The Quick Dead Fox.

3. The Climatic Climacteric trilogy just got a whole new EPIC look! Huge thanks to the amazing work of Covers by Christian. All 3 books are on sale on ALL retailers until January 31st! Go grab your copies of this international bestseller and 14th Best Indie Book of 2018 now! There's a giveaway here.
4. The last few #GiftItForward Giveaways are going up in my reader group on Facebook -- winner picks the prize from my *signed paperbacks* bookshelf (see photo) AND to whom I send it (yourself or as a surprise for a friend/family member)!
5. NOW onto the links to all the January freebies and deals (or click the images below):
Paranormal or Fantasy series starters (Jan 1-31)
Paranormal fantasy on any retailer (Jan 1-31)
Giant Sci-Fi Fantasy 99 cent sale (Dec 26-Jan 26)
Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic sale (Jan 17-21)
Fantasy sales on any retailer (Jan 8-Feb 8)
Winter thrillers free on KU (Jan 1-31)
Paranormal and urban fantasy with romance subplots (Jan 1-30)
Supernatural/creepy/paranormal stories (Jan 1-31)
Hope you had a nice holiday season. And happy New Year to you and yours! What are you most looking forward to in 2020? Any book releases you're anxiously awaiting? What was your favorite/biggest accomplishment in 2019 or the last decade? What are your aspiration for the next year and decade?
Happy reading and stay curious! Love and snuggles, ~L.B. xx