Nov 10, 20181 min

New Release sale + Birthday giveaway!

FADED FLARE (Climatic Climacteric, Book 2) is now LIVE on ebook or paperback! Get it here:

I recommend one-clicking it now, because it's only $0.99 for Nov 9-11 to celebrate my 30th birthday weekend!

I'm also offering a big giveaway--1st place is a $10 Amazon Gift Card, 2nd=signed paperback and 3rd=Texan candies and signed swag! Enter HERE.

Lastly, I have another giveaway (so many!) for my newsletter subscribers of a SIGNED copy of Nikki Jefford's Aurora Skyy vampire hunter paperback, so sign up HERE if you haven't yet.

Happy November. It's NaNoWriMo in which I'm writing the first book in a new dark urban fantasy series I'm wicked excited about writing (read more about it here) as well as book 3 in this series--Arid Alarm, from Reed's point of view, for all you Reed Stanley fans. ;)

What are you up to this month?

Happy reading and stay curious!

Love and nuzzles,

L.B. <3

P.S. Don't forget to sign-up for my Newsletter and grab Faded Flare!